The Spitfires and Searoses Signature System
Soul Flower Methodology Mastermind Program
You were born with a purpose, whether it is fate, some grand design, or a journey you chose for this life before you were born, your purpose and power was there before you even came into this world.
Old Souls live that purpose even more powerfully; it resonates throughout their life, from their life experiences to their business and career calling, Old Souls live a life of purpose. When you are in tune with that purpose, everything falls into place, and you feel the amazing satisfaction of doing something you love and living a life full of purpose and passion. But, when you live out of tune with that purpose nothing seems to come easy.
Do you feel dissatisfied with life? Do you feel restless, or maybe even a little anxious or depressed? For many Old Souls, this is the Universe telling you something is not right. You aren’t living in tune with your Soul Purpose, and you aren’t on the path that will lead you to your happiness and your true purpose for this lifetime. Even though this may seem bad, this is the Universe sending you a loving reminder, and giving you a push to get back to your Soul Purpose, and start living the life you deserve.
Even though it may seem hard now, it’s not your fault. Many of us truly don’t know our soul purpose, we may have had glimpses and hints, but life can be messy and difficult and we often can’t see the messages that are meant for us along the way.
Thankfully, it does not have to be that way, you don’t have to live in the dark, not knowing your soul purpose, and not living the life you were meant to live. That’s where I come in. Before you were born, the Universe created messages for you, a handbook to teach you exactly what you’re here to work on and the power you have to fulfill your purpose. I use scientific and intuitive methods to decode that handbook for you, so that you can use it for the rest of your life.
Your handbook for life is written in the language of Universal Energy, the energy that makes up everything and everyone in the entire universe, and I use multiple methodologies to read your soul purpose and translate your handbook for life.
Once I do these readings to find the Universal Messages that I call your Handbook for Life, I then blend these modalities with strategic planning skills that compliment each other beautifully, tapping into my talents and intuition as we move along. Together we will create a road map for your life, and create a handbook to use along the way.
I have spent my whole life, and possibly lives prior, creating this system, and I know that it will add value for not only years to come, but your entire life. This isn’t one of those “self help” programs that you use for a little while and then go back to the way you were before, this is science, spirituality, and strategic planning for your Soul Purpose that can drastically change your entire life for the better, forever!
We start by reading your Universal Energies, combining modalities to create a road map for your life, then we work on your foundation, what I call The Business of You, helping you grow and create exactly the life you want. After the foundation is laid in your life, we work on Your Soul Business, in this step we work on finding a business or field that fits perfectly with the Soul Purpose. This step is amazing for entrepreneurs, or people who are looking to start their own business, even if you don’t know what yet. If you feel called to do something more, or maybe you’re just not fulfilled doing what you’re doing now, this step is where it all falls into place.
Imagine living life knowing more about yourself and your life path than 95% of the people here, with all the wisdom and knowledge you knew you needed in order to live this life to the fullest. Imagine the struggle you would avoid, and the suffering you could bypass. Knowing your purpose can shave years, even decades, off the rat race of trying to find your career or your business, because when you’re living your purpose, things just click. You get lucky, everything flows, and you finally feel the satisfaction you had been looking for.
Your soul has been working overtime to show you just how valuable this information is. After going through this journey myself, I can tell you that knowing those soul messages, and having your handbook for life gives you an edge that is priceless.
I am so honored to work with each and every one of my clients; allowing me to be part of your journey is something I hold incredibly dear to my heart.
I would love to have a quick chat with you if you are interested in hearing more details about my Soul Flower Methodology, Mastermind Course. Please fill out the form below to schedule a time to work with me.