It only takes One Story, One Message, One Recognition to transform your life forever!
- Are there aspects of your life that you know aren’t serving you, but you just don’t seem to be able to break the pattern?
- Do you find yourself in the same vicious cycle over and over again?
- Have you isolated your self from your family and friends because you do not want them to see what is really going on?
- Have you been trying to convince yourself that you can control your issues, yet every time you try you are back to the same old ways?
- Are you getting frustrated with the options that you have found because they do not resonate with you?
- Are some of your actions causing challenges in other parts of your life, such as your relationships, career, finances, health etc..?
- Are you yearning to get help, but do not want to talk to the world about it?
- Feeling discouraged and overwhelmed with programs that you have tried?
- You know deep down inside that you have to fix something, but you are afraid of what will happen when you do?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then you are absolutely in the right place-it is not a coincidence that you landed here at this moment! I don’t believe in coincidences! You are here because there is a specific message just for YOU in this series that will change your life!
The Benefits that you will receive from this Educational Series are:
- Courage to move forward with confidence
- Being able to release whatever is no longer serving you with EASE
- Get your life back and make it better than you ever imagined
- Save the relationships that are important to you
- Have options to choose from that work just for you
- Freedom from your challenges
- You will have hope again
- Clarity on your purpose
- Relief from Anxiety
I Promise Your Personal Transformation Will Thank You!
One size does not fit all! So we have brought you lots to choose from with are Expert Guest Speakers who have graciously donated their time to bring you their own soulfully created tools & methods as well as their priceless messages!
Simply Freedom Package
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Simply Freedom Package
21 Downloadable MP3 Recordings of all the Activate Your Power Within Sessions
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Abundant Freedom Package
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Abundant Freedom Package
21 downloadable MP3 Recordings of all the AYPW Sessions & Transcripts of all 21 Interviews
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